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Messages of Ambassadors

Learning a second language is highly important in a person’s life. It is not only a thrilling undertaking that acquaints a person with a completely new world and culture, but it can also open up several opportunities in life, both in academia and in the job market. In this day and age, the choice of which language to learn is often difficult as many options are enticing. However, among these, Spanish is quickly gaining momentum given the number of countries where it is spoken and its sheer number of speakers, only second to English. It is the second most studied language in the world with studies predicting that almost 10 percent of the world’s population will be able to communicate in Spanish in the coming years. I therefore congratulate all test takers for taking on this challenge and encourage you to learn more about Peru and Latin American culture through your newly acquired knowledge.

H.E. Mr. Jorge Castañeda Ambassador of Peru in India

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